Best Places to Travel Alone in The US | Solo Travel Guide

  • By: Joseph Benson
  • Time to read: 4 min.

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Best places to travel alone in the US, once a year I head out of my comfort zone to the US and travel alone. I’m a male and yet I love taking off alone. With my best friend, I traveled Europe by train, road, and cruisers.

We are self-sufficient travelers and try to stop at interesting places with less crowds. When it comes to traveling the US, I find that with my anxiety issues I am better off being alone.

I have the opportunity to get lost and find my way by myself. Of course, I can meet up with my best friend when I’m ready to. This year I traveled to the west coast. I’ve been to Colorado before, and there are many beautiful places I have not seen.

I found a quaint, super quaint bed and breakfast to stay at in northern Colorado. It had a number of different areas of the state to explore and find my place.

Best places to travel alone in the US

Best places to travel alone in the US

Best places to visit alone in Colorado

Rim Country – In the east of Colorado, in the mountains, there are a lot of fun places to visit and travel alone. The scenic route takes you on the Poudre River to Durango and then over to the San Juan River. For this route you can choose to stay at the Sunflower Inn or the Riverside Inn.

The Sunflower Inn offers a variety of rooms and offers outdoor activities as well. The atmosphere is nice, family-friendly, and a bit on the quirky side. The Riverside Inn is in the town of Trinidad and has a beautiful hotel with wonderful rooms.

Riverside Inn

New Castle – The town of New Castle is a cool little town with many fun places to visit. My friend and I made the drive to New Castle to explore the town and find places to eat.

There is a general store with a real garden full of herbs. There are so many places to eat in the small town of New Castle. My favorite is getting a bite to eat at Charlie’s. Their chicken salad sandwich is wonderful.

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Read more article: Cool Places to Visit on the East Coast

Best Places to Travel Alone in The US

Cheeca Mountain

Granby – Granby is a cute little town to visit in the west of Colorado. The area was built on the mountainsides, and you will find a lot of family run places to stay, eat and visit.

I went to see the beautiful scenery of the mountains and enjoyed a hike on the mountain trails. I started in Granby and went all the way to Georgetown and the town of Littleton.

Best places to visit alone in the mountains

Glenwood Springs – The best part about traveling by myself in the mountains is that I could find a lot of spots to visit and I did.

My friend was kind enough to let me stay in her home in Glenwood Springs while I was out there. We had some great hikes around the area and saw so many amazing things.

My friend and I rode the gondolas on the New Millennium Grand Express and went out onto the summer festival. Our friend also offered to take me on a tour of all the hot spots in Colorado. The best part about traveling alone in Colorado was that I could travel anywhere I wanted.

Colorado Travel

As you can see with my best places to travel alone in the US list I have traveled in many different places. My best places to travel solo in the US are: New England, New Mexico, Colorado, and South Carolina.

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Best Places to Travel Alone in The US

Thinking of traveling in the US alone?

Find a good travel agent who can help you find the best places to go and the best places to stay. Then get excited about exploring new places on your next trip.

I don’t know about you but I love to travel and I will be forever grateful to my best friend who has given me so many opportunities to travel. I have made many memories and took on new places. I never know when I will travel the US and I am sure I’ll be traveling more with my best friend.

Enjoy the adventure of traveling alone in the US!

This article is part of a series of articles written by me on traveling with my best friend. Find more articles like this in Travel With Your Best Friend

Do you have any trips to the US that you’d like to tell me about? I’d love to hear from you. Please leave a comment or send me an email at [email protected] Thanks for sharing!

Enjoying the Adventure of Traveling Alone

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Best Places to Travel Alone in The US | Solo Travel Guide

Joseph Benson

Hi, my name is Joseph Benson, and I am a traveler who is always on the go. I love to try new things and see different places. Never miss an adventure follow me.

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